
Award creation

There will be a new award creation page with changes to the organization and presentation. To be more intuitive and organized to all users it will have a new page layout and also some new functionalities.

Award creation layout

As you enter the award creation page, you will have available a new layout and also some new functionalities available when consulting and editing the award.

The headers of the award page will always be visible through the page with the following information available on the left and right sides:

On the left side of the header, Buyers will have a header with a “Back to Buyer Dossier” button on the top page, the procedure reference, and type of procedure, tender description, the Business Operation, and team’s name.

On the right side of the header, there will be the status of the award, a button to open in a new tab and more options, and also the Estimated Total Award Value (Total selected) and the percentage of savings ( 1 – %ICV ).

NOTE: The percentage of savings only appears if the base price/ceiling price for the procedure has been set and, corresponds only to the items that have been selected.

Each step of the award (listed below) will be displayed on the left of the page, visible when applicable and unlocked when the action can be performed. The steps for reports will appear separated.

  1. Award;
  2. Preliminary Report;
  3. Final Report;
  4. Attestation Documents.

NOTE: When the award only has one step, the steps panel will not appear (figure 5).

When the actions of each step are completed, the complete icon and more detailed information will be displayed (figure 4).

Each step can have different status:

“Award” step: This step can have 4 different statuses.
  • When there is no approval workflow it is only referenced that the award has already been confirmed with its confirmation date.

  • When the award it’s under approval.

  • When the award has been rejected, will appear the alert icon in red and with the date of rejection.

  • When the award has been approved and confirmed, will appear the approved status.

“Preliminary Report” step: When applicable, this step will be displayed and will have different status.
  • When the user confirms the award and do not sent the preliminary report.

  • When was sent but it’s waiting for deadline for objections

  • When existing objections to respond.

  • When all objections have been responded to.

  • If the preliminary report was sent and there are no objections to passing the deadline.

“Final Report” step: The final report is simpler and just informs if was sent or not or if it is locked.

“Internal Reports”: In this case is only marked as completed when the user create the report.

“Attestation Documents”: The attestation documents request also has several states available. 


Buyer Dossier – “Evaluation, Award and Reports” tab

“Evaluations and Comparative Maps” table

Buyers will have available in the same grid all types of evaluations to see and/or create all types of evaluations in the same area. Listed below you can find some of the functionalities of this table:

  • Below the “Evaluations and Comparative Maps” title there will be a search area that allows users to search an evaluation by reference, name, type, date of creation or username, date of approval, or by the value to award.
  • Next to the title, there will be the “Export” button. By clicking on this button, a CSV will be exported with a list of all evaluations and comparative maps.
  • The “Type” filter allows users to filter data to show only comparative maps or only evaluation sheets or both.
  • There will be a column to identify the valuation type (“Type” column), that is, whether it is of type evaluation or comparative map type. The “Created Date” column will display the username that created the evaluation and its creation date presented below and the default ordering will be descending. 
  • The “Detail” link on the column opens the evaluation of the comparative map.
  • “+ Create New Evaluation / Comparative Map” button: When this button is clicked, the evaluation creation wizard will be opened (the wizard will be explained in the next chapter).

Evaluation creation wizard

As mentioned above, by clicking on the “+ Create New Evaluation / Comparative Map” button (Evaluations and Comparative Maps” table) the evaluation creation wizard will be opened. This is a more direct way to choose how to evaluate and award proposals.

When the user clicks on the button, the tabs and the corresponding area will switch to a wizard, to help users to define what to do.

Evaluation creation wizard - Functionalities

  • “Create Evaluation Model” option: If selected when the user clicks in proceed, the user goes to the creation page of a new evaluation sheet;
  • “Create Comparative Map” option: If selected when the user clicks in proceed, the user goes to the creation page of a new comparative map;
  • “Cancel” button: By clicking on this button, the wizard will be closed and, will be shown the screen with the tables.
  • “Proceed” button: This button is only enabled if the user selects one of the wizard options.

NOTE: If the procedure only has comparative maps or only evaluations, or if the users are only able to create one of this type of evaluation, the wizard will not appear. In this case, when the user clicks on the “Create” button, the creation page of the evaluation type, to which it has access, will immediately open.

“Award” table

In this table there are four new columns to help users viewing when the final report and preliminary report were sent, and how many objections exist to have more information before entering the detail of each award. The new columns are:

  • “Based on” column: This column will present the reference of the comparative map or the evaluation used for the award, if the award was created based on a previous evaluation.

Next to the detail link you will find available 3 dots that allows the user to choose to access the evaluation (View Evaluation or View Comparative Map).

  • “Preliminary Report Sent” column: This column will only appear when the procedure has available the functionality for submit preliminary reports. Otherwise, this column should not appear.

In this column, will be displayed the date and time of submission of the last preliminary report sent.

  • “Objections” column: This should will only be shown in the table when applicable in the procedure. The first number represents the total of objections that have not yet been validated, that is, the total number of objections that have not yet been rejected or accepted. The second numbers represent the total of objections that exist.
  • “Final Report Sent” column: As the preliminary report, this column will only appear if the procedure allows the submission of the final report, and displays the date and hour of the last final report sent.

Listed below you can find some of the functionalities of this table:

  • Below the “Award” title there will be a search area that allows users to search an award for all fields (except the objections column).
  • Next to the title, there will be the “Export” button. By clicking on this button, a CSV will be exported with a list of all awards.
  • The “Detail” link on the column opens the award.
  • “+ Create New Award” button: When this button is clicked, the award creation wizard will open.

Award creation wizard

As mentioned above, by clicking on the “+ Create New Award” button the award creation wizard will be opened. This way users have the possibility to award manually or using a previous evaluation and have more options to make award.

When the user clicks on the button, the tabs and the corresponding areas will switch to a wizard, to help users to define what to do.

Award creation wizard – Functionalities

  • The first step of the wizard will only be presented if there are previous evaluations that are approved.
  • “Cancel” button: By clicking this button, the wizard will be closed and will be shown the screen with the tables and tabs.
  • “Proceed” button: As detailed for wizard to create comparative map or evaluation, this button is only enabled if the user selects one of the wizard options.
  • Use Previous Evaluation” option: To create an award using a previous evaluation, so that users do not need to enter inside of each evaluation to crate an award. When the user clicks in proceed, the user goes to the second step of the wizard. This step is for users to define which evaluation he wants. In the list of previous evaluations that user can choose in the select field, only evaluations that are confirmed will be available.

In this wizard, the field “Select Previous Evaluation” will be mandatory and presents the references of the evaluations available, according to the previous validations. On the left side of the reference there will be two icons available:

  • A wand-magic light if is an evaluation sheet;
  • A table light if is a comparative map.

NOTE: The button to “Proceed” (create award) is only enabled when this field is filled.

Below this field, there will be a table named “LOTS OF PREVIOUS EVALUATION SELECTED” that presents all lots included in the evaluation selected above. This table it only be available when the procedure has lots and in it will be possible to view the detail of each lot. The detail opens a drawer with the price list of the lot.

Below the table there is the “Contract Settings” fieldset where before creating the award, will be possible to define whether the contracts are grouped by supplier or not.

  • “Award Proposals Manually” option: To define whether there will be only one contract per supplier or several, and which lots users intend to award before creating the award, this is the option that must be chosen.

If selected, when the user clicks in “Proceed”, the user goes to the second step of the wizard. When you define that you want to make an award manually, in the second page you will be able to select the lots do you want and to define how you want the contracts to be generated (both cases/fieldsets, only appears when applicable).

The “Detail” button allows to view the price list of the lot in a drawer.

“Award” step

To facilitate the reading and execution of the award this step will have different fieldsets/areas. The first fieldset “General Information” will have the following details:

  • Created from evaluation/comparative map;
  • Award Type
    • Evaluation;
    • Comparative Map; or
    • Manual
  • Base Price (When defined);
  • Evaluation Ref (If the award was created based on evaluation and will appear the link to go directly to the evaluation)
  • Grid with used lots in the award. Will show the following info for each lot:
    • Number of the lot;
    • Lot Name;
    • Description of the Lot;
    • Total of Items in Lot.

Comparative Map Resume

When the user selects a comparative map to create an award or when that award is made from a comparative map, the summary of this comparative map will be on a new fieldset, with its respective reference and comments.

Award Totals

The award displays more information about totals:

  • Total items selected and total value selected on the grid.
  • Total items required and the total value (when applicable) for that items.
  • The difference between these two levels (when applicable) will display the savings in percentage and value (when applicable).


Edit/View Items by Proposal

To edit the items to award, the user needs to click on the pencil icon, which will display the totalizers by chapters and sub-chapters. When it is not possible to edit (e.g. when the award is confirmed or/and approved), the user must click on view items link to see the items selected previously.

Preview Contracts Tab

There is a new tab inside the award step where the user can see the contracts and the details of the object of the contract.

If the user clicks on the “Detail” button, it will open a drawer with the contract. In the button more options (3 dots), it will be available an option to see the supplier profile in a drawer.

Buttons/Actions for Award

All the buttons and actions for award are available in the lower-right corner of the screen, with only one button as its primary buttons (displayed in blue). If the award has an approval workflow configured, the primary button will be “Send to Approve”. Otherwise, the primary button will be “Confirm Award”. Moreover, the user can save the award by clicking “Save” or to cancel it by clicking “Cancel Award”.

Option to not award inside of award

The user can indicate that don’t intend to award a certain lot within the “Award” step. This way, the user can easily take advantage of an evaluation or comparative map and indicate later that the user don’t want to award a certain lot, instead of having to create a new one.

To do so, the user can indicate when creating an award or, within the award select the option “Not Award” that is available in the dropdown options above the table. On clicking on this option to not award it will open a modal to justify why the user don’t want to award.

New Types for not award in GOV PT

To the GOV PT Market, there are new types for reasons to not award a specific lot, according to the article 79º in Decreto-Lei nº18/2008 Código dos Contratos Públicos such as:

  • “Nenhum candidato se haja apresentado ou nenhum concorrente haja apresentado proposta”;
  • “Todas as candidaturas ou todas as propostas tenham sido excluídas”;
  • “Por circunstâncias imprevistas, seja necessário alterar aspetos fundamentais das peças do procedimento”.

Cancel non-award /Change Reason for non-award inside of the award page

When there is a lot that the user decided to now award, the user can cancel the non-award from the award page. To do this, the user will need to access the table options and press “Cancel Non-Award”.

In the same button mentioned above, the user can also change the reason why don’t intend to award a lot. To do this, the user should click on the “Change Reason of Non-Award” action.

NOTE: When clicking the option to change the reason of non-award, the same modal of the previous figure will open.

Disqualified bids automatically with the score 0

When creating a new award, and for some previous reason a specific proposal has already been disqualified, the score of that proposal will be automatically filled with “0”. The same will happen if the user changes the situation of a proposal to disqualified.

Open Automatically a drawer to insert non-compliance

By changing the situation of the proposal to disqualified, the user will have to enter the non-compliance. If there is not a non-compliance yet, it will be automatically opened the drawer to insert it.

Qualification Award – Submission Date

On Qualification Award table, there is a new column to show the submission date of the proposal.

Approve or Reject the workflows for award

Each time the award has configured the approval workflow, there is an area above to reference these workflows. Whenever an approval workflow is active, it should be expanded (see figure below).

“Preliminary Report” Step

When applicable, the reports step will appear and so, in the list of documents that are attached or generated from the template, there are several options on the right side of the screen that allows the user to delete the document, see the detail and more options in 3 dots: “Sign Document” (when the document isn’t signed), “Change Document” and “Edit PDF” (when applicable).

Countdown for receiving objections

Whenever a preliminary report is submitted and is awaiting the deadline for receiving objections, on the preliminary reports page is displayed the countdown as shown in the figure below.

Alert Status when exist objections to respond

If there are one or more objections that haven not yet been accepted or rejected, an alert message appears at the top of the preliminary reports page.

Completed status when all objections are replied or when there are no objections

When all objections are already answered, that is, when the user has already accepted or rejected all objections, the page will show a success message, as shown in the figure below. In the case that there are not any objections, it will be displayed a success message with the following text: “Report concluded without objections!”.

“Attestation Documents” Step

Countdown for deadline

As with the deadline for the preliminary report, there is also a deadline to receive the attestation documents. Therefore, whenever the request for attestation documents is sent and the deadline has not yet ended, a countdown appears on the page, similar to the one shown in the figure below.

Alert Status when there are new attestation documents to validate

Whenever the user sent the request for attestation documents and there are documents to validate (accept or reject) an alert message should appear.

However, if there are suppliers who doesn’t sent the attestation documents and there are other documents to validate, the page displays the following message:

If all documents have already been validated but there are still suppliers who have not sent the attestations documents, the following message appears:

NOTE:  Clicking on the “Resend the Request” button, the platform will send an email to all suppliers that don’t have sent the documents

In the case where there are one or more documents to validate and all suppliers sent the documents, the following message will appear:

Completed Status

When all attestation documents sent are already answered, that is, when the buyer has already accepted or rejected all attestation documents and all suppliers have already sent the documents the page displays a success message.

Message to supplier

Inside of the page for attestation documents, the user can send a message directly to the supplier.  To do so, the user must click on 3 dots and then on the option “Send Message”, and it will open a drawer to send a message to the supplier.