User Profiles


A role is a set of accesses and authorizations that define the functionalities that the user can access on the platform.

Create roles for your company and assign them to several users and/or business units.

How to create a Role?

On your company configuration page, go to the “Roles” menu and click on the available button “Create”. You will be forwarded to the creation of the profile.

Select your profile


01. First step is to select the profile options:

• Create profile based on existing template.

The profiles templates will be “ready to use”, already created for each company, to which the responsible user only needs to associate users/business units, by choosing one of the several templates available created by Vortal. However, you are still able to edit the template according to their functionalities.

• Create profile by my own

According to your offer, you are able to create other customized application profiles, if the system ones don’t fully fit your needs. The user then has to select manually all the filters for the profile that he wants to create.
The user also has the possibility to set the profile created as a default for the new users.

02. The next step is to assigned the profile:

• To a user, you can search for the name or Email.
• To a business unit

Main Menu Options

03. After selecting the users/ business unit, you have the step to define the menu options that will be available to the user/BU.

• If you wish, you can give access to all the options provided by clicking on the tip on the right side.
• You can also select the options as favorites, and for an easier access they will appear above your quick actions, however you can only select five stars maximum as favorite.

Quick Actions on Menu

• The next step you can define what quick actions you should have. If you wish, you select all the quick actions available to your offer, by clicking on the tip on the right side.

Manage your homepage

04. Then you can define the homepage that should be the user work area:

• Use homepage default with widgets

The widgets available will appear, and you can also search for them.

Important note

For now, when you create or edit a profile, you have to create/edit on VortalVision and NexWay.

How to go access to NexWay Profiles?

In VortalVision, you have to access to your “Company Settings” located on the User menu. There you will be forwarded automatically to the company setting on Nexway where you have available the profiles menu.

How to access to VortalVision Profiles?

In NextWay, you can access the profiles from VortalVision through a specific button located on the side menu.