Public Search

Tender Notices Finder

In the markets that make public tenders available, it is possible, without making the login in the platform, to carry out searches by public tenders of acquisition that are available on the platform.

How to search for tenders?

01. In the market website click on List of Contract Notices. On the top of the page there will be displayed 4 tabs: “Last modified”, “Most viewed”, “Open Tenders” and “Last Call”.

Last Published: On this tab there will be presented all contract notice by order of publication (from the most recent to the oldest).

Coming Soon, Available in the Next Release

Most Viewed: On this tab there will be presented the most views contract notices.

Open Tenders: On this tab there will be presented all the tenders there are not closed yet;

Last Call: On this tab there will be presented the contract notices of the tenders whose due date is in one week (7 days left – working + nonworking days).

02. Search Engine:

On this page the user will be able to search for tenders using the simple or advanced search engines available:

Simple Search - The simple search has a field to write any word of what you want to search and the engine will give you all the result that contain the criteria searched.


01. Fill in the field and click on the Search icon;

02. The search results will be displayed.

Advanced Search - In order to make your search even more detailed you can choose one or several of the following options to search for tenders:

03. Reference;

04. Contracting Authority;

05. Country;

06. Publish Date from/to;

07. Replies Deadline from/to.


01. To define additional search criteria, click on Advanced Search;

02. Filled the options that you need in order to find your tender and click on the Search icon;

03. The search results will be displayed.

How to view the information: List or Table View?

For a better structure, you are able to choose how you want to view the Notices: on Table or on List View.

On the top right corner, below the advanced search, you will have available two options to view this information as “List” or “Table”.

If the you select the “card” option, you will have the following view:


How to read the timeline?

For an easy understanding, on card view, the platform has a small “timeline” on the column “Deadlines” with only two dates (Publish date and Replies deadline). 

These dates are distinguished by colors to help you to quickly identify the opportunities which the deadline to submit offers/replies is near.

Blue - The publishing date is always in Blue. The replies deadline is presented with a blue circle when there are at least 8 days to reach the deadline.

Orange - The circle will turn orange when there are 7 days left to finish the deadline to submit proposals, showing below the number of days left.

Red - The days left will disappear when the procedure is closed or canceled.


Note: You can access more detailed information, for that you must register or login in the platform, as there is some information that is only available to interested suppliers.