Opportunity Widgets
How to access the tools of your opportunity?
- The widgets available in the Dossier are located in the left side of the page, with new counters next to each widget’s name.
- On a public tender where the user hasn’t yet shown interest the only widget available will be the Detail/Notice. After the Interest set as “Yes” the landing page will be the “Main Area” according to the supplier service.
- When the tender is an opportunity (resulting of a match of interest or a direct invitation) it will show the widgets available according with the state of the opportunity.
The supplier may find the following widgets in the Opportunity Dossier:
- Main Area;
- Detail/Notice
- Messages
- Tasks
- Receipts
- Events & History
- Amendments
- Negotiation round
- Competitors and proposals
When clicking on each widget, the information will open on the right side of the screen without leaving the “Opportunity Dossier”. From now on, you will have all the information about your opportunity available in the same page. The details of each widget, will be explained below.
“Main Area” widget
In this area, you will have an overview of your opportunity with all the main information, the timeline and the next steps that you need to do on your opportunity.
How to access the “Main Area” widget?
To access to the “Main Area” widget go to your “Opportunity Dossier”. Inside, on the side bar menu, the first tool available is the “Main Area”. However, if user hasn’t yet shown interest the only and first widget available will be the Detail/Notice.
How to manage the “Main Area” widget?
After clicking on the “Main Area” widget you can find different tabs available inside the “Opportunity Dossier” such as:
- Tab “Overview” allows the supplier to have a resume of each tender and also new buttons available to see the timeline and agenda of the opportunity
- Tab “Replies” the Suppliers can create and see all replies and also submit them.
- Tab “Auctions” the Suppliers will be able to see the Auctions created for the tender. This tab is only enabled when the request has auction defined or on a “eAuction as a Procedure”
- Tab “Contracts” the Suppliers will be able to see the contracts created for the tender.
NOTE: A more detailed description of each tab is explained in the “Opportunity Dossier manual”.
The main area widget allows the supplier to create his reply on an interested procedure, check his bidders or bids list and his contract.
Detail/Contract Notice Widget
In this tool you can access the general information about your opportunity inserted in every step.
How to manage the “Detail/Contract” widget?
On the “Detail/Contract Notice” widget you will find an overview of your opportunity with the summary, scheduling, questionnaire, Evaluation, Contract Documents and public messages. The supplier has available a button “See full Detail” where will be forward to the existing contract notice with all the information.
Message Widget
The “Messages” widget works as a communication system integrated in the platform. Here, it is possible to create messages, download the attachments, consult the “Message Receipt”, search for messages, and/or mark the most important ones.
How to manage the “Messages” widget?
If you wish to create a message, click on the “Create Message” button next to the “Search and Advanced Search” engine. After clicking, it will be needed to fulfil several fields.
When the Message is in draft, the following buttons will be available:
- “Delete” button: Allows you to delete a message when the state of the message is “Draft”;
- “Save” button: Saves the message.
- “Sign” button (when applicable).
- “Send” button: This button will be always available or in the case that is mandatory to sign the message, only be available after signing.
In each Message it is possible to consult the “Message Receipt” by clicking on the “View Receipt” button. So, when Supplier sends a message, the system automatically generates a receipt.
In all the messages you receive, there will be the option to create a new task linked to the message. This new option will be available in the three dots option inside each message and also in the messages grid in each message.
When creating a new task through a message, a drawer will appear with the same fields that exist in the task creation to be fulfilled.
How to manage all the messages related to an opportunity?
Inside the “Message” widget you can search for messages through the “Simple” and/or “Advanced Search” that will be displayed in different tabs, in order to have the messages more organized.
The tabs you will find available are:
- Inbox: All messages;
- Sent: All messages that were sent;
- Draft: All messages that are in draft state;
- Important: All messages that were marked as important through the “flag”.
NOTE: The information available of each tab will depend on the “Mine” and “All” views.
You can have the most important messages in a separated tab, by clicking on the “Flag” icon. After clicking on the icon, it will turn red and the selected message(s) will be available in the tabs “Inbox” and “Important”.
The Supplier can mark a message as read/unread, allowing the user to mark a message that he already read in an unread message. It has available the button “Read/Unread” where it is possible to read or unread the message. A red bubble with the number of the messages unread will be visible in the “Inbox” tab
“Tasks” widget
In this widget, you will find all the tasks associated with the opportunity. Here, you can view the details, reassign the tasks if you wish to, edit and/or delete them.
How to access the Agenda/Tasks?
To access the “Tasks” widget go to your “Opportunity dossier”. On the side bar menu, one of the tools available are the “Tasks”.
As a Supplier, in the “Tasks” widget you can access all the information regarding the tasks of the opportunity displayed in a table. There will be a red bubble that works as a counter for the number of delayed tasks and the tasks that due on the current day. Besides that, there will be another counter with the number of total tasks related to the opportunity.
On this widget you will have three tabs at the top of the page (according with the options “Mine” or “All”):
- Open: Shows only tasks that are “Open”;
- All: Shows all tasks of the tender;
- Completed: Shows tasks that were already concluded.
Below the tabs, you will have available a Simple Search and an Advanced Search engine. On the right side of the page, you will find two buttons:
- “Complete” Button: By clicking on the button, you will be able to complete tasks without having to access to its detail and check the tasks you want to complete directly on the widget. After “Complete”, it is possible to reopen and execute other actions (example: Reassign tasks). This button will only be enabled when at least the user has selected one task.
- Delete” button: Once deleting a task, you will no longer be able to see it. The user can only delete tasks created by him, and the button “Delete” is only enabled when at least the user has selected one task.
- On the widget “Task” the supplier is able to create manual tasks related to the opportunity by using the button “Create Task” available at the beginning of the table.
“Receipts” widget
The “Receipts” contents can be different according to the type of action to which it refers to. In this widget you are able to check the following details:
- Data regarding the actions and its documents;
- Signatures;
- Timestamps.
How to access the “Receipts” widget?
As a user, you can access the “Receipts” widget through the “Opportunity Dossier”. On the side bar menu, one of the tools available are the “Receipts”. Next to the widget is a counter with the total number of receipts.
How to manage the “Receipts” widget?
Below the “Receipts” title you will find an “Advanced Search” engine where it is possible to search by Type, Event Type, Created By and Date.
There is a table available with the following columns:
- Type of receipt;
- Event type;
- Date;
- Created by;
- Document description.
You can access to the detail of the receipt through the “Detail” button available at each receipt. On the detail view of the receipt you will have available a new option to access to the object that originated the receipt (messages, final reports, preliminary reports).
The ones that have attachments will have available the button “Export” which will download all the attachments of the receipt. Besides that, the “Upload Date” is to indicate the date that the attachments were uploaded.
After clicking on the button “Export”, a modal will appear for you to write the name of the zipped folder to be exported.
“Events” widget
The actions made in the opportunity, are listed on the “Events” widget. Here, it is possible to export information, search and export events linked with the receipt and the correspondent object.
To simplify your search (Simple or Advanced), each event has correspondent receipts and objects linked.
How to access the “Events” widget?
You can access the “Events” widget through your “Opportunity Dossier”. On the side bar menu one of the tools available is the “Events”. Next to the widget is a counter with the total number of events.
How to manage the “Events” widget?
After clicking on the “Events” widget you will be able to search events through Simple Search engine by: Document, Type and Object or/and you can also use the Advanced Search engine.
Next to the Simple/Advanced Search engine, there is the “Export” button. When selected, you will have the possibility to export the events list into an Excel file in order to have the information in a document.
“Amendments” widget
In this widget, you will be able to find all the amendments related with the opportunity. There is the possibility to view the state and general date of each amendment.
As a Supplier, you can access the “Amendment” widget through the “Opportunity Dossier”. On the side bar menu, one of the tools available are the “Amendments”.
In the “Amendments” widget you have the information of every amendment done by the buyer with the detail of what was modified. Next to the widget is a counter with the total number of amendments made on the tender by the buyer. The alert icon is presented next to the number of amendments, whenever an amendment is published
When you click on the “Amendments” widget, there will be a table with information regarding each amendment:
- Type: Type of Amendment (Will be available two types of amendments; 1. Date: when the amendment is on the schedule of the tender; 2. General: when is made any other modification on the tender (documents, questionnaire, general settings etc.)
- Date: Publication date of the amendment
- Motive: Shows the motive that the buyer has written on the “Motive” of the amendment.
- Detail: The link will open the detail of the changes made on the amendment. It will open a page with the logs of the changes.
“Negotiation round” widget
In this widget, you will be able to find the detail of each negotiation published by the buyer. This widget is only available in procedures that allows negotiation and also only when a negotiation is published.
How to access the “Negotiation Round” widget?
To access the “Negotiation round” widget go to your “Opportunity dossier”. On the side bar menu, one of the tools available are the “Negotiation round”.
How to manage the “Negotiation round widget”?
Once a negotiation round is published, and the supplier accepts the creation of the negotiation round, he will be able to find the detail of each negotiation round. On the widget it is possible to check the detail of each negotiation by clicking on “Detail”, and the three dots Icon allow the Supplier to see the proposals submitted.“Competitors and proposals” widget
In this widget, you will be able to find the list of competitors and proposals of the opportunity (when applicable according to the business rules).
How to access the Competitors and proposals widget?
To access the “Competitors and proposals” widget go to your “Opportunity dossier”. On the side bar menu, one of the tools available are the widget.
How to manage the “Competitors and proposals” widget?
After the buyer publishes the bids and/or bidders list, the supplier will have an available a new widget in the opportunity dossier, with the information related with the competitors and proposals.
The Supplier can download into a pdf the reply information of a particular competitor by clicking on the icon, and can also check the detail of the proposal by clicking on “detail”.
The button “Export” will export an Excel file with the exact information in the widget.
The three dots Icon will allow the supplier to view the supplier card and the receipt of the proposal.