Quick Tender
Previously, buyers would create a Quick Tender procedure in Vision and would be automatically redirected to NextWay platform. With this new development, clients are now able to create a quick tender in the Vision platform.
Quick Tender Layout
Once the procedure is selected, the tender is present in Vision with a single step layout, with the following information being displayed:
Published Tender Functionalities
After a quick tender is published, the user accesses the tender dossier where an overview of the tender dossier is displayed such as the state of the procedure, number of proposals and messages received as well as number of interested suppliers.
Additionally, on the left tab it’s presented four types of widgets:
- “Main Area”
- “Tender Detail”
- “Messages”
- “Invited and Interested”
On the right corner of the header, the following options are available:
- “Copy Link to Share”
- “No Award”
- “Open New Tab”
- “Open New Window”
Proposals Table
On the bottom of the Tender overview there is a “Proposals” table where proposals from suppliers are displayed. Each proposal has an “Award” button if the tender dossier is “Under Analysis” or “Awarded” and the reply is not “Awarded”. Clicking on this button opens a confirmation modal that once confirmed, it will change the proposal and tender dossier to “Awarded”.
Once a tender is published, there is only one type of amendment available to the user, that is to change or extend the dates. To do this, go to the Tender Dosser and select the option “Extend Dates”/”Change Dates”. This option is available until the due date for receiving replies or after the due date if no replies are submitted.