Suppliers Workarea

Armilar Exclusive functionality for advanced supplier services

How to manage my work area?

The Work area page is your entering page on the platform. After login in, you will access this page.

In this area you have several widgets (small applications) available that can quickly assist you on the consultation of new content on the platform, on your business evolution, among other subjects.

Only Mine VS My Company

On the top center of the page, you can choose your default view between “Only Mine” and “My Company” which will filter the Opportunities/Public Notices you will see on the widgets.

Only Mine - Only appears the information of the opportunities that you are the owner (In which you have shown interest)

My company - Appears the information of all opportunities of your company.

Opportunities VS Active Public Notices

There is available at the dashboard the Opportunities/Active Public Notices Widget.

• By clicking on the tabs, you can filter your opportunities or your public notices.

The status of your Opportunities and Public Notices are available on the top left side of the widget, distinguished by colors and status.

A round graphic is presented to resume the information of your ongoing opportunities.

Below the graphic you will have available some folders which will filter the results presented on the table.


01. To follow your Opportunities status, you can click on the following filters/folders available at the left side of the widget:

- On Going;

- Proposal in Edition;

- Direct Invitations;

- Awarded;

- New opportunities;

- With New Message.

02. When changing to the Public Notices tab you will be able to see the Public Notices and filter them by:

- All Active Tenders;

- From My Country;

- With Interest.

03. After clicking on the filter/folder, you will be presented with your results.

04. If you wish for a detailed meaning of each color/folder and each icon, you can click on this icon (i) available at the graphic.

05. To access to the opportunities manager on the correspondence folder, you just have to double click on your filter. Example: if you double click on the option “With New Message” it will open the message manager.

How to Search?

On top of the widget you have available a search area. As you are typing we will suggest you several options to search for. If you click on one of the results, you will be forwarded to the opportunity dossier of that result.

Status of my Opportunities

When the Opportunities tab is selected, on the opportunity’s widget, you will have your opportunities displayed by the last updated/changed to the oldest. This widget is organized by columns:

• You will find the reference, title and the type of tender.

• The Buyer Commercial Name

• The status of your opportunities, the number of proposals in edition and the number of submitted proposals

• Icons regarding one of the following actions that occurred on the tender: milestone, message, approval, amendment. Their definition is available on the icon (i)

• The last column, it will be shown the hour of the last update.

Status of my Public Notices

When the tab “Public Notices” is selected, on the right side of the widget, you have the Public Notices displayed by publication date.

Organized by columns, you will have a detailed description of your Public Notices:

• You will find the reference, title and the type of tender.

• The Buyer Name.

• The publishing date and the deadline to submit offers.

Buttons “See All Opportunities”; “See All Public Procedures” and “Categorization”:

• On the bottom left side of the opportunity’s widget (when the opportunities tab is selected) you will have a button “See All Opportunities” which will redirect you to the opportunity’s manager.

• On the bottom left side of the Public Notices (when the Public Notices tab is selected) you will have a button “See All Public Notices” which will redirect you to the Public Notices page.

• On the top right of the widget, Suppliers have available a button “Categorization” which will redirect them to the categorization screen.

Calendar Widget

Button “Create Task”:

• This Button open a drawer where you can create the manual tasks without leaving the dashboard.

This widget will be divided into two areas:

01. On the left side, the user will have a small resume of the tasks (manual and automatic) and important deadlines.

02. On the right side there will be a small calendar.

Your tasks will be divided by:

• Delayed - If the due date of the task/milestone has already overdue it will be presented on this tab.

• Today - On the today there will be presented the tasks and milestones that due on the current day.

• Upcoming - On the upcoming will be shown the tasks/milestones that will due on the next 5 days.

For a better organization of your tasks, each task and milestone will have a correspondent icon and label.

How to connect your Agenda with Outlook

The small calendar on the right side, is connected with your agenda.

• You can click on each day and you will see the tasks/milestones that due on that day presented on small modal like in Figure 8.

• If you wish, you can click on “Download.ics”, and your task will be downloaded to your Outlook account as an appointment.


You have available a Barometer which will be placed below the Calendar widget by default. The barometer shows the results progress of your company per year, and if you set your mouse into the barometer, you will get the specific results by month.

This barometer will reflect:

• The Awarded value (by month);

• The Number of proposals submitted (by month);

• Number of direct invitations received (by month).