Open Panel
Open Panel
As a Buyer, there will be a new open panel page with changes to its organization and presentation, to have the information more organized and be more intuitive to all users.
On the left side of the page will be displayed the envelopes of the tender and some actions, like the open protocol, publish bids, and bidders list that users can do on the open panel, when applicable.
NOTE: The “Open Protocol”, “Bids List” and “Bidders List” steps will only be visible after opening the envelope.
Open Panel page layout
When clicking on the “Open Panel” button, the system will open a new page with a different layout. The header available at the Open Panel will be equal to the Buyer Dossier and the page will have a “Back to Buyer Dossier” button available that redirects users to the correspondent Buyer Dossier.
Each envelope will be shown as a step on the left side of the page. Buyers will also have available tabs such as:
- “Opening Workflow” tab;
- “Assessment” tab;
According to the tender type, the number of envelopes can be different. Below each envelope name will appear the state of the envelope and after it is opened will appear the date of when the envelope was opened.
“Opening Workflow” tab
On each envelope, the user will have available the “Opening Workflow” tab, where he can open the envelope and consult it when needed.
Before the due date is reached
When the deadline to open replies was not reached yet, the user will have a counter where it will be shown the countdown until the date defined to open the replies.
Before the date is reached, the user will have available the opening workflow of the respective envelope visible below the countdown.
When there is a workflow approval, the user will be able to search on the workflow using the search tool and search by step, approval type, task, or user. Before opening, all steps will be locked.
After the due date is reached
After the due date is reached when the counter is 00:00:00 the system will automatically refresh the page for the “Start Opening” button to appear. This button will trigger the opening.
When the opening is in progress, it will be shown a message stating “Opening in progress (X of Y)” where X is the number of users that have already opened the envelope and Y is the total number of users of the workflow (for the user who has already opened the envelope and is waiting for the others). The “Open” button will open the envelopes.
When clicking on the “bell” icon at the task level the system will send the email just to the user which the task is assigned to. The icon will be shown after the “Status” column and will disappear once the user has already opened the envelope.
NOTE: Only the users who are part of the workflow will be able to see this icon.
Add Comments and Documents
While opening the envelopes, users can add documents and comments by clicking on the “Documents” and/or “Comments” buttons available at the top right side of the table.
“Documents” button: When clicking on the “Documents” button it will open a drawer where the user can add the documents. Once the documents are added, this button will show the number of documents.
“Comments” button: When clicking on the “Comments” button it will open a drawer where the user can add the comments. Once the comments are added, this button will show the number of comments.
Opening Concluded
When the opening is concluded, the system will start decrypting the proposals and will be shown the same graph available in the buyer dossier, and the other steps will be unlocked.
“Assessment” tab
On the “Assessment” tab, the user will see the information regarding the proposals received and will be able to admit or not admit them.
Depending on the type of tender, this tab will be enabled after the opening or even when the envelope was not opened yet (GovES tenders for example).
“Assessment” tab (without lots)
In this tab, users will have available new functionalities such as the following buttons displayed on the top page (above the table):
- Admission Summary: Opens the screen with the summary of the admission made by the buyer and non-editable;
- Export All: Will export the folder of the replies received. This button is only enabled after the envelopes are all opened;
- Award: Will redirect the user to the wizard of the award;
- Finish Assessment: Will close the assessment;
- Not admit all remaining: Sets all replies to “Not admitted”;
- Admit all Remaining: Sets all replies to “Admitted”.
By clicking on the three dots icon, it will appear a drop with the following options available:
- View Receipt: Opens the receipt detail in a drawer;
- View History: Registers the actions made, when non-conformities were made and also register when the proposal was admitted/excluded;
- Send Message: Opens a drawer with a general message “in edition” to the correspondent supplier where the fields “to” and “related to” are not editable;
- View Supplier Profile: Opens the supplier business card in a drawer;
- Export: Exports a folder with the reply and its documents;
Set as Non-Participant/Participant: The user will be able to set a supplier as a non-participant through the table. When accessing the bidder's list if the supplier
- was set as non-participant it will be reflected on the list and the user will have to add the reason on the list before publishing it (mandatory).
When the user defines a supplier as a non-participant the option available at the three dots icon will change to “Set as Participant” so the user can reverse his action.
Once the user sets the supplier as a participant again, the buttons “Admit” and “Not Admit” must be enabled.
Once the Bidders List is published the user will not be able to change the decision, so the options will not appear at the three dots icon after publishing the list. After the Bidders list is published this option disappears.
On GovPT tenders that integrate with BASE when a supplier is set as “Non-Participant” on the FAP will send the information of that supplier as “Excluded”, with the reason that the buyer has written on the bidders' list.
“Assessment” tab (with lots)
On the “Assessment” tab, when a tender has lots, the user will have available two different views: “By Proposal” and “By lot”.
- “By Proposal” view: The column “Status” will show the status of the admission. Inside each reply, the user can see the lots replied and admit or not admit them and also the value replied for each lot.
- “By lot” view: On this view will be shown the lots at the first level and the replies for each lot inside the level.
Add Non-compliances and notes
From now on, adding non-compliances and notes will be done through the comments icon which will open a drawer.
When a reply is set as “Not admitted” and as no non-conformities yet, the system will automatically open this modal. On the drawer, the user can create the non-conformity.
If the user creates first a non-conformity and then sets the reply as “Not Admitted”, the drawer will not open automatically, and below the button appears a link that opens the non-conformity drawer for users to write more non-conformities (if he wishes to).
Admission finished
When the user clicks on the button “Finish assessment” the step will be updated and once the assessment is closed the system will show a success message. Once the admission is finished the user can see the non-conformities/notes added, but he cannot add or edit them.
The option “Set as Non-Participant” will not be available at the three dots icon once the admission is closed.
The three buttons available below the success message once the assessment is finished will be the following ones:
- “Admission Summary”: Opens the admission summary page;
- “Reopen Assessment”: Opens the assessment and enables the buttons that were available previously;
- “Proceed to Bidders List”: Redirects the user to the Bidders List step.
“Bidders List” – New step
At the left side of the screen, where the steps will be located, there will be a new step available named “Bidders List”.
When the user selects a supplier as a non-participant, the icon to insert the reason will appear where the user can click to open a drawer to insert the reason.
Before publishing, the bidders' list on the center of the page will appear a message warning the bidders' list was not published.
After publishing the bidders' list, on this page will appear the button “Proceed to Open Protocol” which will redirect the user to the open protocol step and a success message stating the Bidders List was Published followed by the user name and publication date. This step is only applicable, depending on the tender type.
Once the bidders' list is published, below the step will appear the date of when it was published.
On the three dots icon the user will be able to see the suppliers’ business card and when selected a drawer will be opened showing his business card.
If a supplier is set as “Non-Participant” that will be reflected at the Proposal admission grid.
“Open Protocol” – New step
Next to the “Bidders List” step, also at the left side of the screen, there will be another new step available named “Open Protocol”.
In case there is no open protocol generated when accessing the step, the user will have available a message stating the open protocol was not yet generated and that it is necessary to define the documents for the report on the button and write the announcement message to send the open protocol.
When an open protocol is sent, the message is replaced and will indicate the open Protocol was sent and will also have buttons available (in some of the GOVDE tenders the open protocol is never sent to supplier so they will not have available the message nor the buttons:
- “New open Protocol”;
- “Proceed to 2nd Envelope”: Redirects the user to the next step of the opening qualification/admission.
“Bidders Replies List” – New step
Similar to the other new steps, the “Bidders Replies List” step will also be displayed on the left side of the screen.
The column “State” will only be filled if it was filled on the “Bids List”. Before publishing the bidders' replies, on the center of the page, will appear a message stating the bidders' replies list was not published yet and will be necessary to fill the information to publish the bidders' Replies list.
After publishing the bidders' replies list the system will show a success message stating the bidders' replies list was published, followed by the user name and publication date.
On the three dots icon, the user will be able to see the suppliers’ business card and when selected a drawer will be opened showing his business card.
Once the bidders' reply list is published, below the step will appear the date of when it was published.
Assess the reply view through the open panel
From now on, it will be possible to assess the reply view through the open panel. When the tender has lots the buttons “Admit” and “Not Admit” will admit and not admit all lots. If the user wishes to admit some and not admit others, he has to do it on the Open Panel.
The user can add non-conformities and notes through this page by clicking on the link available at the right side of the page that will open the drawer of the non-conformities and notes.
Once the assessment is finished, when clicking on the links “Non-Conformities” and “Notes” the user will be able to see the information, but non-editable. To change between the replies received the user will have available a drop “Change Proposal”.
At the top of the page, the buttons “Back to Qualification” will send the user back to the qualification step that he was in. Also, at the top, the button “View Admission Summary” will redirect the user to the admission summary.
The user can admit or not admit a tender on this view by clicking on the buttons “Admit” or “Not admit”. Once the assessment is finished the buttons these two buttons will be locked (this information cannot be changed without opening the assessment again).
NOTE: These buttons only appear at the reply view for tenders that have opening/admission.