Single Step Tender

There is a new layout for the tender creation – the Single Step Tender. As the name says it consists on a tender with the possibility of being organized only on one page. This helps the buyers to have a more fluid navigation and a more efficient way of creating a tender.


Procedures Elected for Single Step Tender

The following shorter tenders are the ones elected to have the option of having every step merged in one page:

• Minor Contract (Gov ES)

• Minor with criteria (Gov ES)

• Direct Award (Gov PT)

• Direct Award Simplified (Gov PT)

• Request for Quotation (Byggfakta)

• Request for Proposal (Byggfakta)

• Request for Information (eConstroi)

• Request for Proposal (eConstroi)

• Request for Information (Global corporate)

• Request for Proposal with invitation (Global corporate)

• Request for Proposal with invitation (Corporate)


Single Step Tender – New Layout

When creating a tender using the new Single Step Tender layout, there are some changes compared to the usual layout of a tender creation.



This new tender has no steps displayed on the top of the page, being all steps displayed in one page in which they are divided by blocks.

Each block of the Single Step Tender can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the top of the block. By default, the first block is expanded, and the rest is collapsed until the user expands it.



Alternate between “Single Step” and “With Steps” layout

In tenders with the Single Step Tender feature, a new floating button is presented on the right top corner of the screen. If you press this button, it opens a drawer showing two options: “Single Step” and “With Steps”. Each one of these options allows you to change the tender creation page layout. No matter the option chosen by you, the platform keeps track of the last defined layout and will open the tender in the layout that you have defined in future logins.





Single Step – Anchors

To facilitate the navigation in a tender with a “Single Step” layout, there is on the left side of the screen anchors that will accompany you during the page scroll. These anchors act as links to the blocks and field sets of the tender. Each block of anchors works like an accordion, having the possibility to expand or collapse (according to the user’s needs) the field sets of the respective block.



The anchors section can also be collapsed or expanded. To do so, you need to click on the blue button in the top right corner of the anchors section.



Error Validator

In case there is any error, instead of presenting the “Error validator” drawer, the error messages are presented in red below the corresponding field.

In the right corner of each block, it is presented the total number of errors of the corresponding block of information. The total number of errors is also presented in the anchors before each field set, that in this case also appears in red.




The alerts that may be displayed when validating the tender, in this case are presented in the anchors section below the corresponding field set. A warning icon is also displayed near the block title and near the field set in the anchors section.



Publish Single Step Tender

One of the characteristics of the single step tender is that there is not the publish step as the other tenders have. The “Publish” button is presented right away at the bottom right of the screen. When clicking in this button, the system validates if the tender has errors, validates the integrations when applicable and, if there are no errors, opens the modal for you to confirm the dates.



If the tender has an approval workflow before publishing it, then the button “Publish” will be replaced by the button “Send to Approval” until the tender is approved.