Tenders Manager

How to manage my Tender?


If you are a buyer, you can manage your tenders by going to your tenders manager on the platform. You can acess to the tenders manager throughout many ways, dashboard, teams management, etc.

• You will see your tenders organized by folders corresponding to their status. In front of each folder name there is presented a counter with the number of procedures that the corresponding folder contains.

• On the “On Going” folder you will have available a counter of the new procedures created.


Create your own folder 


To manage your daily work, you are able to create your own folder with or without filters.


  • According to your offer, at the bottom of your main folders, you will have available an option “Create Folder”.



After selecting the option, you will be presented with a drawer “Creating new folder” with some required fields to fullfil.

• You can apply some filters to your folders. In this case, the procedures that correspond to the filters are automatically available on the folder created.

• If you create the folder without using filters you will need to move the procedures to the respective folder using the option “Add to folder”, available when you click on the procedure with the right side of the mouse.

• Your created folders will be shown on the list above the option “Create Folder”, sorted by the most recent for the last recent.

• For each folder created by you, the following options will appear when clicking the mouse right button:


- “Edit”

- “Duplicate”

- “Delete”



Filter by “Mine” or “All” your tenders.


On the top of your screen, you have available an option to filter your tenders by “Mine” or “All”. You can change your default option by clicking on the “Settings” Icon available at the side of the two options.

  • “Mine”

The procedures listed will be the ones that the user is owner of (in this case, the user who created the procedure).

  • “All”

The procedures listed will be from the user’s company to which he has access to (either in terms of permissions, either in terms of offer).

Note: If you select the filter “All” and logout, when you login again the system will present the view “All” (if you don’t have anything defined for your default options on the configurations).



How are my tenders organized?


For each procedure, the following information is going to be listed:

  • 1st column - Procedure owner initials or photo (in case the user has a photo defined on his settings)

  • 2nd column - Procedure Title

  • 3rd Column – BO

  • 4th Column – Publication Date and Replies deadline

In order to help you quickly identify the procedure for which the due date for receiving replies is near, the dates are distinguished by colours.


Blue – The publishing date is always in a blue circle. The replies deadline is presented with a blue circle when there are at leat 8 days to reach the deadline.

Orange – When there are 7 days left to finish the deadline, the circle turns orange, indicating the number of days left to submit proposoals.

Red – When the procedure is closed or canceled the days left disapear, and it’s presented a label “Closed”/”Canceled”.


  • 5th Column – Colour Status


The status of the procedures will be displayed with the representive colour.

  • 6th Column – Replies number

  • 7th Column – Icons


The following Icons will appear according to the last action made:

1st : Needs to be approved

2nd : Deadline achieved

3rd : New Message

4th : Draft


  •  8th Column - Follow up Flag


As a buyer, you are able to mark the procedures that you want to follow (like in outlook). You will have available a flag for each procedure, if you want to follow that procedure, just click on the flag. Then, you can order your procedures by the one that you are following and they will appear first on the list.